Energy efficiency

Enea: energy efficiency needs changes in behaviour


The Report of the States General on Energy Efficiency, i.e. the initiative launched by Enea in collaboration with EfficiencyKNow, reveals that raising awareness on the benefits of energy efficiency that can be achieved by changing the behavioural patterns of consumers can help reduce the energy bill up to 20%, as well as bring about major related environmental benefits. The results of the survey carried out among university students are indicated below.

The aim of the report is to give useful indications to the various players interested in the implementation of strategies and projects aimed at changing the behaviours of energy final consumers in order to achieve the utmost energy saving and reduce emissions causing climate change.

The report was drafted based on over 500 interviews conducted among university students from all over Italy and also contains the results of the public consultation on the synergies between efficiency, technological innovation and behavioural change in the university world.

The following are the main findings of the report.

About 68% of respondents said that they are informed about the issue, yet it should be considered that most of the answers highlighted the need for more information and awareness raising among university students on the topic, which could be achieved with compulsory courses, seminars and dedicated events.

About 92% of respondents believe that their energy consumption should be reduced.

The survey also highlighted the fact that respondents are aware of the link between individual behaviours and energy saving.

The need to save energy is very strongly felt, especially as a commitment for the future. About 75% of interviewees consider the reduction of energy consumption as one of their personal objectives.

The variable represented by the high esteem towards other university colleagues who consider energy saving important also plays a major role on the relevance of the issue. The domino effect can thus be amplified also by the role played by these influencers.

The study has therefore shown that the role played by energy leaders capable of disseminating messages that highlight the importance of energy efficiency is fundamental to reach a broader audience in a more convincing and effective way.