
European Parliament: Enea presents its 7th Annual Report on Energy Efficiency


Enea – Italian national agency for new technologies, energy and sustainable economic development – has presented the European Parliament in Brussels with the 7th Annual Report on Energy Efficiency, which focuses on the national policies in the sector and on the results obtained in Italy, putting them in the community context where energy efficiency continues to be a priority, as confirmed by the adoption of the packet of legislative measures “Clean energy for all Europeans” and, in particular, by the review of the EU directive on energy efficiency and by the EU directive on building performances, in line with the energy and climate objectives of 2030.

Italy’s good performance in terms of results obtained in the sector has recently been confirmed by an independent analysis carried out by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy http://aceee.org/(ACEEE) which, analysing data from 25 countries, places Italy at the top of the ranking, equal with Germany, but with a decidedly lower public spend per capita.