
Paper is the only mainstream material…


… that is both renewable and recyclable and has already reached high levels of recycling.

Both virgin and recycled fibres form an integral part of the European fibre loop; one could not sustainably exist without the other.

The European paper industry’s high recycling rate is only possible with regular inflows of fresh fibres.

The European paper industry uses both virgin fibre and paper for recycling including the production of the tissue paper.

The EU has agreed to make the Circular Economy a reality in Europe.

Recycling, an area where the paper industry already has a strong track record, will play a central role in achieving this.

The industry has set very ambitious standards to ensure a high level of consumer safety and our work is supported by authorities setting the minimum levels of safety standards.

Examples range from the Council of Europe resolution to the EU Ecolabel for the Tissue Paper and to the national law (Italian Decree 21.3.1973 and the German Federal Institute of Risk Assessment – BfR – which provides for the safe use of both virgin and recycled fibre).

Cepi and its members have adopted the Industry Guideline for the Compliance of Paper and Board Materials and Articles for Food Contact (March 2010).

Recently, for example, the results of laboratory testing by the Slovenian Pulp and Paper Institute on the tissue papers show that these products are far below the limit set for food contact materials – much stricter than that required by hygiene products. For instance, the detected concentration of Bisphenol A (BPA) was 846 times lower than the level considered safe by BfR for food contact use.

It also demonstrates how the company which produced the product operates according to good manufacturing practice and in compliance with rules and regulations.

The paper industry is unique as virgin fibre-based producers can rely on all of their products being recycled and paper for recycling based-producers can remain assured that their feedstock is of sustainable, renewable origin!