Digital investments

Voith collaborates with American logistic provider to strengthen its e-commerce business


The online trading platform MerQbizfor the marketing of recycled paper, which is owned by Voith, signed a collaboration agreement with the American logistic supplier C. H. Robinson: customers can profit by enhanced transport capacity, real time competitive prices and a powerful supply net. The b2b MerQbiz trading platform was launched in 2017 by Voith and brings together buyers and sellers of recycled paper on a digital market. The platform offers buyers and sellers the possibility to directly connect with one another and access timely and reliable information on recycled paper supply and demand. Furthermore, the trading platform provides users with the possibility to safely carry out their sale and purchase transactions. Similar to online markets, MerQbiz assess traders, buyers and product quality. This provides for a high level of guarantee for all flows concerning goods, logistics and payment, as well as a high degree of transparency and professional management of the transaction. The platform will in medium term be available also for customers outside the United States.

Thanks to a wider product range to include integrated logistic solutions, MerQbiz now also offers automation and the improvement of logistic processes, which were previously carried out manually, on a user-friendly digital platform. The utmost transparency on the market is now applied not only to the price of recycled paper, but also to shipment costs: prices are applied in real time  and customers timely receive transportation offers corresponding to their order. «The integrated logistic solution is a real turning point for the sector», says MerQbiz CEO John Fox.Besides research and development budget resources that have already been set aside, Voith invests about 100 million Euros every year in digital products and services.