Graphic paper

UPM Paper ENA becomes UPM Communication Papers


Since last April the area business UPM Paper Europe and North America (ENA) has been renamed UPM Communication Papers The new name draws attention to the sector and the global reach of the area of business. It also emphasises UPM’s long-term commitment to maintain its global graphic paper activity, starting from the assumption that paper will continue to be an important part of media mix in the publishing industries and in corporate communication.

UPM Communication Papers is a worldwide manufacturer of graphic paper which offers a wide range of products for publicity and publishing, as well as for domestic and office uses. It serves its customers through a global sales network which supplies quality documents, strong services and an integrated supply chain. UPM papers are manufactured in 15 paper mills in Austria, Finland, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States.

“In addition to the changes in the value chain of printed communications”, states Winfried Schaur, executive vice president of the company, “in the last few years UPM Communication Papers has been exposed to a constant decline in the graphic paper market. Over the years we have retained a wide portfolio of sustainable products, a strong local presence and good customer service. We are confident that this will be the basis to also make a significant contribution to the general success of UPM in the future. Our new name emphasises this future direction and is a promise for our customers and employees”.