Table of contents, November 2015


God save Europe… and the paper!
by Massimo Medugno, 6
Enterprises&Markets by Margherita Baroni, 8
Installations&Startings by CI, 12

Energy Efficiency Market Report 2015
by P. Capellini, 14
Guidelines on packaging recycling: the results of the EcoPaperLoop project.
by Daniele Bussini, 16
Trends and outlook
Global paper and board industry is in transition: is tissue becoming a safe haven for the global pulp and paper industry?

by Pirkko Petäjä, Principal at Pöyry Management Consulting, 18
Raw material
Outlook & trends: the international cellulose market
by Chiara Italia, 22
Paper versus Plastic: Life Cycle Assessment to understand the environmental performance of market processes and goods
by Erika Covello, 26

News by CI, 34