Table of Contents

Table of contents: May 2015



The Brain Prefers Paper by Massimo Medugno, 6

Enterprises&Markets by Margherita Baroni, 8

Installations&Startings by CI, 12

Europe | The European Commission Waste Package by P. Capellini, 16


iT’s Tissue, The Italian Technology Experience

Visitors expected from all over the world for the second edition by Federico Reguzzi, 18

Made in Italy

Specialized in special papers

Cordenons Group: interview with the technical manager and the marketing manager by Moreno Soppelsa, 20

Energy Efficiency

Optimizing electric and thermal energy consumption

Combined heat and power generation: saving energy and reducing the environmental impact at the same time by Federico Reguzzi, 24


Art avant-garde in Lucca

Protagonists. Cartasia: alternative uses for paper by Chiara Italia, 28

Overwiev on Energy

Energy efficiency opportunities

Variables that have been ignored, which can yet lead to the optimization of work and production by Federico Reguzzi, 32

News by CI, 36