Installations&startings | Turkey

Valmet to rebuild Turkish Hayat Kimya’s tissue machine for improved product properties and runnability


The Turkish tissue producer Hayat Kimya has previously ordered five tissue machine lines from Valmet in the past eight years. Valmet-supplied tissue machines TM 2, 3, 4 and 5 are already producing high quality paper with high capacity and speed, while TM 6 will start-up in 2016.

Hayat Kimya has decided to rebuild their first tissue machine TM1 with the well performing Valmet Advantage DCT technology. This means that all production assets in their machine fleet will be equipped with Valmet’s technology. The rebuild will increase energy efficiency, improve product properties as well as performance, runnability and work environment. TM1 is located at Hayat Kimya’s mill in Yeniköy, near the city of Izmit in Turkey. The start-up of the rebuild machine is scheduled for November 2015.

The order is included in Valmet’s first quarter, 2015 orders received. The value of the order will not be disclosed.

The machine rebuild includes the replacement of existing press section with an Advantage ViscoNip press for improved product quality and decreased energy consumption. To further increase energy efficiency the tissue line will be equipped with a new Advantage AirCap hood as well as an upgrade and optimization of the Cogen Airsystem. The existing dust system will be upgraded to Advantage WetDust to improve the work environment and safety. A new tail threading system and sheet transfer including Advantage Run will further advance runnability and performance.