Santo Domingo

The Dominican Group César Iglesias successfully started up a second-generation TT SYD at its paper mill in Santo Domingo


Customer: César Iglesias, S.A.

Production: Tissue

Supplier: Toscotec 

Description: The Dominican Group César Iglesias successfully started up a second-generation TT SYD at its paper mill in Santo Domingo. Following start-up, the mill has observed a marked increase of production capacity and important energy savings in the drying section. Thanks to continuous R&D on Toscotec’s Steel Yankee Dryer, the height, width and pitch of the internal ribs as well as the shell thickness achieved an optimal geometry, which guarantees a highly efficient heat transfer. The supply also includes the steam and condensate system, the Yankee coating spray boom, a new forming roll, as well as the complete overhaul service of press rolls.

In response to the customer’s request for the fastest possible delivery, Toscotec further refined the production time and was able to deliver the Steel Yankee Dryer in record time. Since the opening of Massa Technology Lab in 2016, an integrated plant dedicated to the production of Steel Yankee Dryers, Toscotec has sought to optimize the manufacturing process of its TT SYD and shortened their delivery period.