
Toscotec completed two customized rebuilds at Lucart Diecimo tissue mill


Customer: Lucart Diecimo tissue mill, Italy

Production: Tissue

Supplier: Toscotec

Description: Toscotec completed two customized rebuilds at Lucart Diecimo tissue mill. The two rebuilding solutions included the replacement of PM5 and PM6’s existing Yankees with Toscotec’s second-generation Steel Yankee Dryers, complete steam and condensate systems, as well as the installation of a TT SuctionPressRoll.

Details: Lucart has tapped Toscotec for its efficient drying solutions, in particular TT SYD and its energy recovery-oriented system design. The extraordinary energy saving advantages that TT SYD delivers, on a potentially infinite number of cycles over the course of its life, save a significant amount of energy and operating costs. Toscotec’s energy recovery equipment, chiefly heat exchangers, are a key part of TT SYD’s steam and condensate system in that they contribute to achieving the highest possible level of thermal energy efficiency.