It’s Tissue announces board for 2015 event

With another world-class event scheduled for 2015, Tissue Italy has named the management board for It’s Tissue.

It's tissue

Matteo Gentili assumes the role of President, alongside four Vice Presidents: Marco Dell’Osso, Communication, Massimo Franzaroli, Legal and Finance, Alessandro Mennucci, Sponsorship/Local Relations and Stefano Di Santo, Event Organization & Logistics. In addition, senior representatives from all 12 participating companies will take part in working groups to cover every aspect of It’s Tissue’s promotion and management.

The project manager has been named as Maddalena Marcone.

The next It’s Tissue will take place June 21-28, 2015 in Lucca, Bologna’s “packaging valley”, Reggio Emilia and Lecco. The network comprises: A Celli, Elettric 80, Fabio Perini, Futura, Gambini, MTC, Omet, PCMC, Pulsar, Recard, TMC and Toscotec.

It’s Tissue is conceived to give customers the benefit of a week’s worth of open houses and additional events in an extraordinary show of productive cooperation between the participating companies.

With even more resources dedicated to project management, logistics and cooperation between the participating companies, It’s Tissue 2015 promises to be an unprecedented technology experience.