Toscotec has recently received several orders from a confidential US producer for a total of 30 TT SteelDryer cylinders


Production: Tissue

Supplier: Toscotec

Description: Toscotec has recently received several orders from a confidential US producer for a total of 30 TT SteelDryer cylinders. Through repeated orders, this confidential group has so far purchased close to 50 TT SteelDryers for installation at 4 different locations in the USA.

Details: The replacement of the existing cast iron cans with Toscotec’s TT SteelDryers will deliver a twofold advantage to the paper mills:

– Increase production by boosting the paper machines’ drying capacity and by enlarging the cylinders’ drying width while maintaining the same face length.

– Ensure an easy and cost-effective replacement by preserving the same overall dimensions of the dryer section – machine frame, housings, bearings, and steam equipment remain unchanged. This is possible because the steel dryers are custom sized for every project.

In response to market demands, Toscotec has upgraded its manufacturing capability at its headquarters facility in Lucca, Italy. It is now producing TT SteelDryer cylinders of up to 10m (393 inches) width. The demand for these large cylinders comes primarily from North America, a strategic market for Toscotec. Fabrizio Charrier, Sales Manager of Toscotec’s Paper & Board division, says: «Toscotec is manufacturing an increasing number of large TT SteelDryers, just as in the case of these new orders. The North American market is focused on two targets: production increase and technological upgrade. The latter derives from the need to replace dryer cans that have often been in operation for more than 60 years. TT SteelDryers achieve both targets, with the additional bonus of offering an easy equipment replacement and a very short machine shutdown».