
Global Forest Products Industry Promotes Contributions to and Benefits of Forest-based Bioeconomy


The 22nd session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO 22) of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) was held in Rome, Italy, June 23-27. On the agenda are discussions about the forest-based bioeconomy and the socioeconomic benefits of forests, which are both supported by the International Council of Forest and Paper Associations (Icfpa).

Serving as the forest products industry’s advocate at the international level, the Icfpa promotes the industry’s multiple benefits and contributions to the bioeconomy, which include resource efficiency, recycling, bio-based products, innovative technologies, carbon sequestration, and improving the well-being of communities.

«The global forest products industry has the potential to answer the increasing demand for sustainable products,» said Icfpa President Donna Harman. «Through sustainable forest management, our industry provides products people need – like food, energy and shelter – while also developing innovative solutions to challenges posed by the growing world population.»

Icfpa members participate in the FAO’s Advisory Committee on Sustainable Forest-based Industries (Acsfi), where they provide expert advice and make recommendations to the FAO on forestry, the forest products industry and related topics.

«For the FAO Forestry Programme, our long-standing collaboration with the private sector through Acsfi and Icfpa provides a valuable platform for increasing our delivery,» said FAO Assistant Director General Eduardo Rojas. «We see clear benefits from using private sector forestry and forest industry groups as a sounding board for strengthening our actions under the FAO Strategic Objectives. Their ideas on eliminating food insecurity and making forestry more productive and sustainable are of great value for us.»

The Icfpa represents some 30 national and regional forest and paper associations around the world. Together, Icfpa members represent nearly 90 percent of global paper production and 60 percent of global wood production.