
A new plant for the Hungarian Vajda Papír


After a long examination process, the Hungarian National Ministry for the Economy selected the Hungarian paper producer Vajda Papír for the investment, which is targeted to the construction of an integrated plant for the production of toilet paper. The support of the Ministry foresees a non-refundable grant of 4.5 billion Hungarian forints (i.e. about 10 million euros) within the framework of the National Investment Enterprise Scheme. With a total investment of 11 billion Hungarian forints (i.e. about 30 million euros), the company will manage to build the largest and most modern integrated tissue site in Hungary. This is a long-term project whose developments will not only play a major role in the performance of the Hungarian economy, fostering the growth of the national GDP, but they will also create over 100 new jobs especially within the local community of the Dunaföldvár region. By further increasing its production capacity and becoming a basic paper supplier also in Hungary, Vajda Papír will now be able to guarantee integrated operations and even safer services to its customers and consumers. The ceremony for the laying of the foundation stone took place on 12th June 2017 and was attended by the Hungarian Minister for the Economy Mihály Varga, who stated that «the Hungarian Government supports the investment with 4.5 billion dollars as part of the programme targeted to those big national companies that do not meet the requirements to obtain EU grants. This programme proved to be worthy of attention and appears to be very promising».

The company founder and CEO Attila Vajda explains that «the plant, which covers an area of 23 thousand sq.m, was built on a plot of land of 20 acres and will be operational by February 2018. Furthermore, the most modern and cutting-edge technology will meet the most demanding sustainability and environmental protection requirements». Thanks to this investment, Vajda Papír’s investment capacity will reach 100 thousand tons every year. And the investment will contribute to further support the development of the Ooops! brand, as well as of the several branded products marketed on international markets.