
Lecta ceases production of coated woodfree paper at Condat plant


Lecta has announced plans to cease operations on the PM4 line at its Condat mill (Le Lardin St Lazare, France) that produces coated woodfree paper. This project comes as a result of the sharp decline in the market for graphic paper. Workers’ representatives have been told of a reorganization plan, on which they will be consulted.

Lecta plans to fully concentrate the Condat mill on the production of specialty papers, glassine and C1S, on the PM8 line, in which it has invested during a restructuring to convert in 2021.

In addition, Lecta is currently investing in a waste-derived fuel boiler to provide a very cost-competitive energy solution for the PM8 line and reduce the mill’s “carbon footprint” through reduced CO2 emissions, in line with the group’s sustainability strategy and goals. The new waste-derived fuel boiler will be operational by mid-2024. Lecta is committed to minimizing the social consequences of the cessation of CWF production activities at the Condat plant and will initiate information/consultation meetings with its workers’ representatives in the coming days.