
Valmet included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index


Valmet has progressed well with its Sustainability360O agenda emphasizing continuous improvement of sustainable business practices. As one proof of the good progress Valmet has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) already for the sixth consecutive year. The company was listed both in the Dow Jones Sustainability World and Europe indices. The total number of companies included this year in the DJSI World for 2019-2020 is 318.

The comprehensive ranking evaluates companies’ economic, environmental and social performance.

«Maintaining our position in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index gives further proof that we have improved our performance in sustainability year by year, as continuous improvement is the key criteria for the inclusion. Our systematic sustainability agenda defines concrete actions for the upcoming years, and we have been training our employees so that they understand their role in achieving the targets. Our success is strongly based on the excellent work of all Valmeteers around the world», says Pasi Laine, president and CEO of Valmet.

Valmet’s sustainability agenda focuses on five core areas: sustainable supply chain; health, safety and environment; people and performance; sustainable solutions, and corporate citizenship.

In 2019, Valmet has also received other sustainability acknowledgements. In January, Valmet achieved the best A rating in CDP’s climate program ranking. In February, Valmet was awarded the Bronze Class Sustainability Award in RobecoSAM’s annual Sustainability Yearbook 2019, and in April, Valmet was reconfirmed as a constituent of the Ethibel Sustainability Index (ESI) Excellence Europe.

The DJSI is a sustainability index family, which includes the global sustainability leaders across industries. The company inclusion is based on a best-in-class approach, which means that the indices only include the top-ranked companies within each industry. The index serves as a benchmark for investors, who are committed to ethical investing and review companies’ sustainability performance as part of their analyses. The annual evaluation conducted by a Swiss investment specialist RobecoSAM comprehensively reviews companies’ performance in social, environmental and financial factors.