A new affiliate member of the European Environmental Bureau (EEB)


Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)  has recently become an affiliate member of the European Environmental Bureau (EEB).

EEB is Europe’s largest network of environmental citizens’ organizations in Europe. It brings together over 170 citizens’ groups from more than 35 European countries, advocating for progressive policies to create a better environment in the European Union and beyond. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are an important stakeholder group in the FSC system, so the partnership may open new and different ways to engage greater numbers and diversity of NGOs into the FSC’s work.

With 30 years of experience in sustainable forest management, FSC is looking forward to work with NGOs to shape the future of EU environmental and climate forestry policies. The main goals include minimising the risk that products associated with deforestation are placed in the EU market, ensuring forest biodiversity protection, safeguarding forests of high environmental and social value, as well as enhancing the conditions for forest resilience and combating illegal logging.

FSC, supported by FSC Network Partners across the EU, will work with relevant working groups under the EEB umbrella focusing on specific EU environmental policy topics. The FSC experts will make sure to represent all three pillars: social, environmental, and economic. This reflects its three-chamber structure, equally covering interests of all forest stakeholders.