
Arjowiggins Graphic becomes Cop21 Official Partner


In 2015 COP21, will, for the first time in over 20 years of UN negotiations, aim to achieve a legally binding and universal agreement on climate, with the aim of keeping global warming below 2 °C. The conference is expected to attract close to 40,000 participants including 20,000 official delegates from government, intergovernmental organisations, UN agencies, NGOs and civil society.
As an official event partner, Arjowiggins Graphic aims to promote and develop the use of recycled papers – in Europe recycled paper only accounts for 12%* of paper usage and yet omits 38% less CO2 than a non recycled paper.

The company pioneered eco-responsible paper solutions embracing the principles of the Circular Economy and significantly reducing the impact of paper manufacture on the environment. Arjowiggins Graphic in partnership with La Poste will provide an immediate demonstration of this approach at the COP21 event. It will provide 4,000,000 sheets of 100% recycled A4 paper to used by negotiators and attendees. At the end of COP21 La Poste will then collect and sort the waste paper and transport it directly to Arjowiggins Graphic Greenfield mill, just 100 km away, the waste paper will then be deinked and transformed into a high white paper pulp which will then be manufactured into reams of high white office paper at the Le Bourray paper mill.

Jean-Charles Monange, Commercial and Marketing Director, Arjowiggins Graphic says: «Arjowiggins Graphic has pioneered a strategy combining innovation and sustainable development, with the widest range of high quality recycled papers of the European market. It was both natural and important for us to be associated with COP21 and to contribute to this worldwide event by supplying of our recycled papers, with low environmental impact.»

In addition to the COP21 negotiations, Arjowiggins Graphic is also an Official Partner of Solutions COP21, an exhibition open for the general public that will showcase the impacts of and solutions for climate change, which takes place in Paris from 4th to 10th December 2015. Informative panels will be used to showcase recycled paper and the circular economy at the exhibition. In collaboration with La Poste, Arjowiggins Graphic will also host education workshops.