
Assocarta: a video to start again together


Assocarta and all the Italian paper mills have sent the “virtual square” a videomessage entitled “L’industria cartaria italiana per ripartire insieme”, (The Italian paper industry to start again together) for phase 2 of the health emergency. The message reads as follows: «We #the people of the paper industry and our paper mills, which have proved to be essential in phase one of the emergency, today more than ever stand at the sides of citizens and companies to contribute to their #health, #wellbeing and #restart». As always, we have done so with the production of papers for sanitary uses, special papers and papers for medical uses, food and medicines packaging papers, as well as papers for cultural and information purposes. At the same time, we have also implemented a number of innovations, like the production of paper for surgical masks.

This sector contributes to health and wellbeing in Italy and Europe, as was clearly shown during the health emergency. Its activity is carried out by a number of industrial sites, which represent an integral part in territories and communities. Paper has always been there in the past few months and not it is ready to recover, in its various facets and as an ecosystem as a whole.

A videomessage testifies that we are close to citizens, communities and businesses to start again together. #lagentedellacarta