Business reinforcement

Capital increase and Chinese stakeholders for PMT Italia


In April 2014 PMT , abbreviation for Paper Machinery Technology, an Italian company (specifically from Pinerolo, in Piemonte Region) which operates in the paper industry field with mechanical engineering services, signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Chinese SinoCPMC (China Paper Machinery Co.). The two companies have agreed to share technology and brands so as to jointly supply a full and integrated service to the paper market on a global scale. Today this partnership is being further strengthened because SinoCPMC, 100% controlled by the Sino light Group, is becoming a shareholder of PMT, whilst the company from Pinerolo is increasing its capital.

With the new partnership and injection of new funds, PMT will be able to strengthen its own presence on the global market of machines for the paper industry, whilst the Chinese company will benefit from the technical expertise of the Italian company to pursue its aim of reaching a leading market share in the construction of proprietary technologies for paper.