The wind of crisis

Stora Enso to cope with decline in demand for newsprint paper


The Anjala paper mill of Stora Enso, in Finland, employs 300 people and runs two paper machines with a capacity to produce 435,000 tpy of coated magazine paper, improved newsprint and book paper. Exactly for this production site, Stora Enso started co-determination negotiations on temporary lay-offs of the entire Anjala staff for a maximum of 90 days between the end of October 2019 and end of May next year due to market reasons. In this way it is preparing to respond to the «challenging market conditions» and «uncertainty about market development».

According to Stora Enso, negotiation process was initiated as a precautionary measure to respond to changes in market situation. Newsprint and magazine paper price are on a downward path in 2019: Stora Enso is now looking for ways to match supply to demand. The company is considering temporary output curtailments at the Anjala paper mill in Finland.