
Luigi Lazzareschi is the 2018 Radical Green Award


The 2018 edition of the Radical Green Award went to Luigi Lazzareschi, CEO of the Sofidel Group, with the award ceremony held in Trento (Italia), during Green Week, the festival-laboratory on the green economy promoted by Fondazione Symbola and ItalyPost, in collaboration with the Comune of Trento, Autonomous Province of Trento, University of Trento, Edmund Mach Foundation, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, MUSE Science Museum and Trentino Sviluppo. The award was granted «for the merits attained by Sofidel in terms of eco-sustainability and green thinking over the years».

«Sofidel is honoured by this accolade, which drives us towards even greater commitment to promoting fully sustainable development capable of guaranteeing shared value throughout the entire value creation chain» commented Luigi Lazzareschi, CEO of the Sofidel Group. «Events such as Green Week are important occasions for dialogue and exchange and represents another major occasion that helps us to raise awareness on the future and the themes of responsible development». The Radical Green Award «was created to raise local and national awareness of successful eco-practice in our industrial fabric».