Special papers

New «Burgo2020» industrial plan


Last July the Board of Directors of Burgo Group  approved the new «Burgo2020» industrial plan for the 2014-2018 five-year period. The plan foresees investments worth 250 million EUR and a major set of measures and actions aimed significantly limiting operational costs and adapting the group manufacturing capacity to the demand trend.

The Group will continue pursuing the objective of diversification by reinforcing and increasing its presence in the market of special papers through its majority-owned company Mosaico, for which a specific development was ad hoc approved.

The actions and investments foreseen by the plan will enable the Group to consolidate its competitiveness in the European scenario thanks to a marked improvement of its industrial and financial performance.

Burgo is currently evaluating a possible alliance with the Lecta group either in forms of aggregation or shares exchange. Lecta is an important South-European producer, operating in Italy, France and Spain and controlled by the Cvc Capital Partners fund. Experts in field say that the aim is to adapt its manufacturing capacity on the European market to face the reduction in the demand for printed material and paper.