
Moving forward to enhance customer experience


In a highly stimulating industry scenario with continuously evolving dynamics, Körber Business Area Tissue participation to the IT’s Tissue business network has now come to its natural conclusion.

«We played a primary role in the creation of the network of companies that gave life to the IT’s Tissue event and participated with a great deal of enthusiasm» says Oswaldo Cruz Junior, Chief Executive Officer of Körber Business Area Tissue «but today customers are requesting new ways of engagement in terms of flexibility and timeliness. As such, we are taking the necessary steps to enhance the customer experience journey and center our ongoing efforts around their specific business needs with an individual approach by offering more dynamic and integrated formats.

Recently, we have presented the Körber ecosystem, which fully reflects our corporate philosophy and the values we live by day to day in a customer-centric approach. It is a solid strategic vision that involves all Körber Business Areas, and external partners too, to provide complete, integrated and flexible solutions enabling our customers to win their daily business challenges with the certainty of having a reliable partner that understands their needs.

We have always been closely linked to the Italy tissue district, and we will continue to believe in its potential and in the value of the people that are the foundation of our sector. Yet, as a global player of the tissue industry» continues Cruz «with operations also in Brazil, the United States, China and, at Körber Group level, with more than 100 offices all over the world, we are fully committed to creating real customer value in all international markets with positive impact on all business dimensions».