Paolo Culicchi scholarship


To remember the figure of Eng. Paolo Culicchi, whose insatiable curiosity for paper science and technology, his passion for work and his dedication to the association make him an indelible reference for all paper technicians and students who intend to approach the world of paper, Aticelca, in collaboration with RDM Group, promotes and organises a competition whose prize, worth 4,000.00 euros, is awarded to the author of a particularly deserving degree thesis that has been discussed at an Italian university on a topic related to the world of paper production.

Research related to innovations or production improvements in terms of product quality, process efficiency or cost reduction through plant, process or management modifications is evaluated, as well as studies that provide new knowledge in economic and regulatory matters.

Aticelca, in agreement with RDM Group, has published on the website the list of topics of greatest interest for research activities for the paper industry that are preferred in the evaluation of papers.

Theses that address topics of greatest interest to the paper industry are also preferred. The topics must be developed in harmony with the safety, health and environmental sustainability requirements of current regulations.

Those who have completed a course of study at a university in Italy and whose dissertation was discussed between 1 January and 31 December 2024 are eligible for the award of the Meritorious Dissertation Prize. The candidate thesis must be exempt from being disclosed to third parties. In the event that the candidate thesis is subject to confidentiality constraints, the application must be accompanied by a release permitting the dissemination of the thesis in its entirety to Aticelca, to RDM Group (Reno De Medici Spa) and to the members of the jury. The application must also be accompanied by a confidentiality-free version that Aticelca and RDM Group (Reno De Medici Spa) may make public.

Applications on plain paper must be received by Aticelca by 28 February 2025.

The prize will be awarded, at its sole discretion, by an Examining Board that will evaluate the papers and select those of best value in terms of innovation, technical-scientific interest and methodological rigour. The Examining Board will be chaired by Enzo Pelle, whose vote has double weight, and composed of 3 other Aticelca Members, chosen by the Aticelca Board of Directors, whose vote has single weight. The jury shall assess the entries on the basis of the following principles:

1) Relevance to the topics published in the list of topics of major interest for research activities for the paper industry;

2) Technical-scientific interest and innovative character;

The awarding of the prize will take place by 30 April 2025. Aticelca will implement this decision.

The winner of the prize for the meritorious dissertation is willing to attend the Aticelca Annual Congress in May 2025, where the award ceremony will take place. In this context, the winner will be asked to briefly present the objectives, method and conclusions of their work.

All participants are willing to provide, upon request and subject to the availability and editorial autonomy of the magazine, an extract of the paper for publication, free of charge and under their own signature, in the magazine “Industria della Carta”, the official organ of Aticelca.