
The European Paper Recycling Award 2013


The fourth edition of the European Paper Recycling awards is well underway, with less than two weeks left before the application deadline (28 June 2013). The award is open to all organisations based in Europe: regional and national authorities, NGOs, associations but also schools, universities and companies. All projects can be registered. The winner will receive an original piece of paper artwork at the awards ceremony which will take place on 2 October at the European Parliament in Brussels. Travel costs to the ceremony will also be covered for the winner.
“Recycling is the key to achieving sustainability in production and consumption in Europe. Paper recycling, in particular, contributes significantly to green growth, combating climate change and improving resource efficiency. This makes a valuable contribution to the environment”, explains Beatrice Klose, Chairperson of the ERPC.
Eligible projects, initiatives or campaigns will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
• Relevance and originality
• Achievements
• Possibility to reproduce the project
• Cost effectiveness
There are two award categories:
• Information & Education
• Technology improvement & R&D
An independent jury from across Europe will judge the entries in each category. The jury includes representatives from the European institutions as well as civic organisations and NGOs. European wide recognition of the winning candidate‟s efforts will be accompanied by an original piece of paper artwork, which will be officially handed over to the winners in an award ceremony at the European Parliament in Brussels.

For more information, please contact the ERPC Secretariat, Jori Ringman-Beck, at +32 2 627 49 19, +32 478 255070 or visit.