Recard signs its second machine for the Tunisian Azur Papier


Customer: Azur Papier

Location: Zriba, 60 km a sud di Tunisi

Production: Tissue

Supplier: Recard

Start-up: the end of 2018

Speed designed: 1800 m/min

Design production rate: 115 t/day

Width: 2750 mm

Description: Recard signs its second machine for the Tunisian Azur Papier

Details: The new plant can start working on the new paste preparation lines and use the Kadant deinking installation currently feeding the PM1, i.e. the first machine, again from Recard, which works at 1500 m/min and produces 80 tons/day. The installation provided will be a complete installation with two production lines for the preparation of paper paste for virgin pulp, machine feeding group, two rewinders and accessories.