
Stora Enso Enocell paper mill switches to renewable pitch oil


Stora Ensowill invest EUR 10 million at its Enocell pulp mill in Finland to replace fossil-based heavy fuel oil with renewable pitch oil, a renewable refining of tall oil, which is a by-product of cellulose extraction.

This will reduce the environmental impact of the operations and help in reaching the ambitious target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The measures will begin immediately and should be finalized by the end of 2023.

Currently, the main energy sources for Enocell pulp mill are renewable black liquor, bark, and saw dust powder, but fossil-based heavy fuel oil is needed when the pulp mill is started up after maintenance stops or production disturbances.  By replacing heavy fuel oil with pitch oil that is made from trees, Enocell pulp mill aims at becoming a site running 100% on bio-energy and, thus, reduce its fossil CO2 emissions by almost 70 000 tons annually.

Pitch oil is a pine-based, fossil-free oil that is a by-product of refined tall oil. The investment scope at Enocell Mill includes a pitch oil tank, foundations and leaking basin, pumping house with pumps, unloading station, new pipelines, heaters, and automation.