Installations worldwide: Turkey

Valmet to supply Advantage tissue productionline to Ipek Kagit Tissue Paper


Ipek Kagit Tissue Paper has chosen Valmet as supplier for their new tissue line which will be installed at the company’s Manisa Plant in Turkey. The start-up is scheduled to the second half of 2015.

The delivery will comprise of a complete tissue productionline featuring Valmet stock preparation systems and an Advantage DCT 200TS tissue machine. The machine is equipped with OptiFlo headbox, Advantage ViscoNip press and Yankee cylinder with Advantage AirCap hood. Complete engineering, installation supervision, training, start-up and commissioning are also included in the delivery.

The tissue machine will have a width of 5.6 m and a design speed of 2,200 m/min. The new line will provide high-quality facial, napkin, toilet and towel grades for consumer and commercial use. The raw material of the new line will be virgin fiber. The productionline is optimized to save energy and to enhance final product quality.