
Toscotec will supply two dryers to Indian paper manufacturer Chandpur Enterprises Ltd.


Production: Tissue

Supplier: Toscotec

Description: Toscotec will supply two TT SYD MG Steel Yankee Dryers for Machine Glazed paper to the Indian paper manufacturer Chandpur Enterprises Ltd. at their paper manufacturing facility near New Delhi in Uttar Pradesh. The MG dryers will replace the two local steel cylinders installed on their PM1 and PM2 that produce MG Paper in the basis weight range from 40 to 70 gsm.

Details: Especially designed for MG application, TT SYD MG dryers tap into Toscotec’s 20+ year experience in the design and manufacturing of Steel Yankee Dryers. This expertise ensures the highest paper quality with optimal smoothness and an increase in the drying performances of MG machines. After the rebuild, the reliability and thermal energy efficiency of TT SYD MG will substantially boost the performance of the complete production lines.

The two TT SYD MG dryers are designed for a maximum steam pressure of 10 barg and have a diameter of 14ft and 16ft respectively for PM1 and PM2. In order to ensure optimal paper gloss, they will feature Voith’s Terradry metallization, designed specifically for MG application.

The replacements have two targets. The first is to substantially increase the machines’ production capacity overcoming the operating limits of the existing MG cylinders. The second target is to significantly improve paper quality, and moisture profile uniformity.

Start up: The start up of the two dryers is scheduled for mid-2024.