South Korea

Valmet to convert the Hansol Paper mill for thermal paper production


Customer: Hansol Paper

Production: fine paper and thermal grades

Supplier: Valmet

Start-up: by 2018

Design speed: 1,500 m/min

Width at reel: 5,300 mm

Design production rate: 320,000 tons/year

Characteristics: the target of the rebuild is to convert the paper mill for thermal paper production, and to increase production and market share of high quality thermal grades. Today the off-machine coater is producing coated wood-free paper grades. The mill will gradually decrease the portion of printing papers and other low-profit products.

Details: Valmet’s delivery for the off-machine coater will include a new OptiCoat Layer curtain coating station, which gives a very good coverage even with thin layers, thus the amount of expensive thermal coating color can be kept low. The delivery includes also two calenders, a reel and coating air dryers. The capacity and the temperatures of the air dryers have been carefully calculated and optimized for high quality thermal paper. The delivery will also include a supply system for the curtain coater unit.