Forest certifications

25 years FSC in the world


The Forest Stewardship Council is celebrating its 25th anniversary from its establishment this year. To celebrate this occasion, a number of events have been organized in the places, which have played a major role in the history of the FSC, i.e. Cancún in Mexico and Bonn in Germany. As the country in which the FSC was first established, Mexico occupies a special position in the history of the Association: in 1994 the FSC was namely first registered as a legal entity and the secretariat first opened an office with just 3 people.  In 2003, the FSC headquarters were moved to Bonn, Germany: over 40 million hectare forests were already certified according to the FSC standards and there were over 20,000 products with the tree logo on the market.

To date, 200 million hectare forests are FSC certified and over 38 thousand, which are CoC (Chain of Custody) certified, are present in 125 countries. In Italy, the Forest Stewardship Council opened its offices in 2001. It currently boasts 65,650 certified forest hectares and 2,419 CoC forest hectares (as of June 2019).