News from the Associations

Teresa Presas to leave Cepi in May 2014

Teresa Presa will leave Cepi in May.
Teresa Presa will leave Cepi in May.

After 10 years at the helm of Cepi, the Brussels-based Confederation of European Paper Industries, Teresa Presas has decided to leave the organization at the end of May this year. In the coming months she will ensure a smooth transition of the leadership of Cepi to her designated successor Marco Mensink, who has already worked with Teresa as Cepi’s Deputy Director General for the last two years.

Mrs. Presas commented, «It has been ten years of an enriching experience and of relentless work. In the last years, we have consolidated our organization, successfully defended its interests and laid out our long-term vision for the sector in the Cepi 2050 Roadmap.

The coming years will be about implementation at the different levels, including the progression of the breakthrough concepts that came out of the Two Team project. Therefore, it is a good moment for me to leave the organization and move on to another life. I wish my colleague and successor Marco Mensink every success in the future».

During her time as Director General, Teresa forged a strong team of professionals that has taken Cepi to new heights and has proven itself as a very effective player in the Brussels scene. «Teresa has turned Cepi into a highly credible and constructive partner to the EU institutions that lives up to its members expectations of bringing added value to the European pulp and paper industry. On behalf of the total membership of Cepi I thank Teresa for her hard work and for her legacy and I wish her all the best in her future endeavours» said Gary McGann, newly appointed chairman of Cepi.

«On behalf of all the members I also congratulate Marco Mensink on his appointment as Teresa’s successor as Director General of Cepi on June 1st 2014.»