Andritz has received the order to refurbish and install dewatering equipment for a new TMP (thermo-mechanical pulp) washing stage at PM 12 in Hallstavik



CustomerHolmen Paper, a part of the Holmen Group

LocationHallsta Paper Mill

Production: LWU paper and a range of special qualities of wood-containing printing paper

Supplier: Andritz

Description:  Andritz has received the order to refurbish and install dewatering equipment for a new TMP (thermo-mechanical pulp) washing stage at PM 12 in Hallstavik. Basic engineering, erection as well as commissioning and start-up are also part of the delivery scope.

DetailsAndritz will refurbish two used twin wire presses and relocate an existing  Andritz pulp screw press. After re-installation as the TMP washing stage, the dewatering equipment will improve the pulp quality, thus ensuring higher product quality on the paper machine. PM12 manufactures book paper and newsprint grades.

After completion of this project,the mill will be operating 14 Andritz twin wire presses.