
Call for Candidates for European Paper Recycling Awards 2015


The European Recovered Paper Council (Erpc) launched a call for candidates for the 2015 European Paper Recycling Awards. The awards will identify projects, initiatives and campaigns that contribute to Europe’s sustainability through activities supporting paper recycling. Winners will be announced at the official awards ceremony taking place at the European Parliament on 14 October.

There are two categories for the awards: Information and Education, and Technology improvement and R&D. Eligible projects, initiatives or campaigns will be evaluated based on the following criteria: relevance and originality, achievements, possibility to reproduce the project and cost effectiveness. The winning entries will gain European-wide recognition as well as press coverage and increased visibility.

An independent jury will judge the entries in each category, with representatives from the European institutions as well as civil organisations and NGOs. The initiatives may be ongoing or completed, but they must not have started before January 2013.

All entries must be submitted by Friday 26 June 2015 before midday Brussels time.