European Directives for industrial products

The New Legal Framework and the «Alignment Package»

On February 26 a package of eight Directives has been adopted and then published on March 29 in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Recycled paper

A new coated recycled paper

Standardisation bodies vote to improve quality of paper recycling

Cepi advises industry to prepare for the updated EN643 standard
Carlotta Priola (Sustainability Manager Burgo Group) and Raffaele Marinucci (Genral Manager Verzuolo mill) holding the IKEA Tulip Award and Certificate.
Graphic & special papers

Ikea awards Burgo with the Tulip award

European projects

Ecopaperloop: looking to a standard method for the quality of recycling...

The score card for the recycling potential of cellulose packaging.

Erpc Launches Call for Candidates for 2015 European Paper Recycling Awards

The awards will identify projects, initiatives and campaigns that contribute to Europe’s sustainability through activities supporting paper recycling. Winners will be announced at the official awards ceremony taking place at the European Parliament on 14 October.