
Clim’Foot, the European project for the measurement of the carbon footprint, is ready to go


life_clim_foot_projectFinanced with 1.5 million Euros from the 2014-2020 Life Programme, «Climate Governance and Information» Area, the Clim’Foot project (Climate Governance: implementing public policies to calculate and reduce organizations carbon Footprint) will see the participation of scientific institutions from five countries (France, Croatia, Greece, Hungary and Italy) under the coordination of the French Ademe (Agence de l’environnement et de la maîtrise de l’energie) and aims at supporting and monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of policies and actions for the reduction of greenhouse gases.

This project can be a valid tool to monitor the effectiveness and efficiency of environmental management policies and help achieve the sustainability objectives of organizations, which inevitably translate in objectives related to competitiveness (thanks to energy consumption control measures), business management, Corporate Social Responsibility and communication.