
Fabio Perini S.p.A. only one in the tissue industry to obtain the prestigious AEO F certification


Fabio Perini S.p.A. obtained by the Customs Authority the award of the status of AEO F -– Authorized Economic Operator Full for customs simplifications and safety/security.

The AEO authorization grants Fabio Perini the recognition of its status of customs reliability, valid at European level (but internationally recognized); the appointment is the result of a process of adjustment of internal procedures and successful audits, carried out by the certifying body, of the regulatory requirements related to customs compliance, keeping of accounting records, financial solvency and safety/security standards.

“The path to this achievement has been going on for about a year – said Paolo Sodero, Fabio Perini S.p.A’s responsible for digitalization and export control Manager – involving almost all the company departments, and aligning all employees to this key world-class goal.”

This authorization, allowing the offer of better customer assistance, represents a major strength for Fabio Perini to keep its leading position in the global market of machinery for tissue production. In fact, Paolo Sodero commented: “Our Company is the only one in our sector to have achieved this type of authorization”.

In fact, as of today, the recipients of AEO F authorizations – excluding companies exclusively dealing in shipments and logistic and customs services operators – amounts to 400 companies, all representative of Italian excellence.