For accurate high dry solids


    Valmet has launched a new Valmet High Solids Measurement (Valmet HS) that enables stable and accurate measurements for industrial wastewater treatment, pulp and paper production and a wide range of other industrial processes. Valmet HS measures for over 30% solids or 1-70% moisture.

    Originally designed for municipal waste water plants, Valmet HS is based on microwave technology and features a patented sensor structure. It extracts a continuous sample flow from a downfall or drop leg section in the process and returns it back to the process after the solids content has been measured.

    The new measurement brings numerous benefits to its users. It helps to minimize transport costs of sludge in waste water applications and reduce supplementary fuel use where sludge fuels a boiler, thus improving the sustainability of industrial processes. Additionally, Valmet HS makes it possible to optimize total solids levels and follow up, in real time, the performance of dewatering or drying processes.

    Already in use after a high-consistency roll press, Valmet HS provides accurate pulp consistency control to refining and consequently more stable-quality pulp to the paper machine. Benefits include lower press energy consumption, reduced fiber crushing and the prevention of too high consistency causing damage to process equipment.