Maximize retention and drainage


Solenis has introduced its new MicroSolSM advanced retention and drainage solutions to help printing and writing paper producers stay competitive through increased productivity and superior product offerings.

It is a revolutionary technology package that combines the company’s new patented PerForm SP7242 structured polymer with its uniquely structured PerForm MP9031 colloidal silica to give printing and writing paper producers a no-compromise solution for maximizing retention and drainage without sacrificing formation in the manufacturing process. As a result, papermakers enjoy a wider operating window that increases flexibility, improves machine efficiency and reduces operating costs.

PerForm SP molecules are highly anionic, three-dimensional structures that interact readily with cationic sites on fibers, fines and fillers in the forming paper. This structure allows the molecules to grab hold of ash and distribute it evenly to increase paper strength, retention and formation.

The PerForm MP colloidal silica offers a similar microstructure developed with attention to its size, surface area, structure, surface modification and solids content to ensure optimal performance in today’s paper machine processes. Used together, PerForm SP and PerForm MP offer a dynamic breakthrough combination that gives papermakers the ability to maximize retention and drainage without sacrificing formation.

Solenis designed MicroSol as a flexible component in a papermaker’s retention and drainage program, which could also include cationic or anionic polyacrylamide. The end result is a controllable program with a linear dosage response that offers papermakers an improved operating window with more versatility.