
“Focus on Energy” awards energy savings


International technology group Andritz recently completed successful replacement and start-up of the PM5 Yankee hood at Cascades Tissue Group’s tissue mill in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA. The Andritz PrimeDry Hood is specially designed for low energy consumption and long durability. With this upgrade, production output of the PM5 – a medium-speed tissue machine for dry-crepe tissue with a 12 ft. Yankee – has increased remarkably while reducing specific gas consumption by the hood.

Due to the energy savings achieved, Cascades Tissue Group Wisconsin was awarded the 2020 Energy Efficiency Excellence Award by “Focus on Energy” Wisconsin’s energy efficiency and renewable energy resources program. This program encompasses 107 utilities across the state, with the goal of providing expertise and financial incentives to residents and businesses to reduce energy consumption or increase energy efficiency. The Energy Efficiency Excellence Awards honor participants who have shown a commitment to leading in energy efficiency.

The project was executed by the Andritz tissue team located in the Montreal office, QC, which provides support services for tissue machines and for air and energy systems in the Americas market.

Sadith Osseni, Energy Project Engineer at Cascades Tissue Group Wisconsin, explains: «we have been working with “Focus on Energy” for years now. We are proud of having received the Energy Efficiency Excellence Award, and the good results obtained from the hood project with Andritz contributed to the mill getting this».

George Nowakowski, Andritz Vice President Tissue Drying North America, adds: «on a tissue machine, the Yankee hood is a key component due to its consumption of energy and its impact on the quality of the final product. Therefore, it is essential to operate the Yankee hood by the most efficient and economic means possible. The critical parameters are air impingement speed, wet- and dry-hood temperatures, exhaust humidity, and steam pressure in cylinder».