Paper mills

Mantua paper mill ready to start again


The Mantua paper mill, formerly owned by Burgo and today part of the Venetian paper group Pro-Gest, has been delivered the first components of its new paper machine that goes under the name Mantova1, 7.6 metres long, in full operation the new paper machine will make it possible to produce 550 thousand tons of paper for corrugators every year. The investment is supported by Cartiere Villa Lagarina S.p.A., which is heading the project and one year ago formalized its contract for the supply of the paper machine that is bound to become the biggest in Italy.

The arrival of about 40 containers with the first components of the installation coincide with the departure of the Mantua technicians, as well as technicians from other places, for Tampere, Finland (where the machine producer Valmet has one of its plants), where for the next two months and in alternate groups these technicians will follow the training courses for the operation of the machine. Mantova1 is expected to be ready starting from next summer and is part of a project worth 75 million Euros. There are, however, still several ecological and environmental uncertainties associated to this project, which are specifically related to the generation of electricity from the burning of processing waste. The serious concerns raised for the possible dispersion of pollutants on the territory have led the municipality, the Parco del Mincio and committees of local residents who live around the area of the former Burgo paper mill to resort to the courts claiming for an environmental impact assessment of the site. A judgement from the administrative tribunal is now expected.