
A record year for Futura


Futura closed 2016 with an increase in its market share in the high-end tissue sector. Futura’s innovative Andromeda technology has been highly in demand in Europe and the United States, while additional lines were started for strategic customers in Europe, South America and Mexico.

In the same period, Futura registered new orders and development prospects on the Chinese market. As illustrated by Futura VP for International Operations Piero Ceccon, «thanks to the strong relations established with its customers Futura has managed to set new reference parameters in terms of integrated performance and to significantly consolidate its technological leadership. Futura is ready for its next growth phase, with significant investments foreseen in 2017 that comprise major developments in the field of R&D in FuturaLab in Lucca as well as in global service at the Lucca production plant, and at the North American operational hub in Alpharetta in Georgia».