The good health and safety practice report in the paper industry

Health and security in paper factories

Cepi – the Confederation of European Paper Industries – and industriAllEurope – the European Trade Union Federation – launched a good practice report on health and safety in the European paper industry at a conference in Germany. No paper without skilled, healthy and safe people addresses different types of pulp and/or paper mills and the health and safety issues they may carry, as well as various kinds of activities (daily operation, transport and handling, maintenance) and can in most cases be adapted and transposed. The good practices included in the report are not exhaustive, but the report paves the way to identify more practices to be shared. It also illustrates the benefits of constructive co-operation towards a common goal. «In both our organisations, we believe in the merits of awareness raising and sharing experiences. We hope that this report will be one of the reference tools for health and safety managers in the European paper industry. It should contribute to the indispensable effort to reduce health and safety risks at work in the sector on the route to «zero accidents», said Teresa Presas, CEPI Director General. «Producing pulp and paper in Europe requires the use of a wide range of resources, of which people are the most important», mentioned Jorma Rusanen from industriAllEurope in his presentation. «We both invite our members to use and discuss the proposed practices. We also invite other industries to read the report and adapt the good practices to their own circumstances».