Lucart Group

The Natural project: commended at the European Parliament in Brussels


For its innovative character, the Natural project by Lucart Group, or the two lines of Eco Natural tissue paper (towards the Away from Home market) and Grazie Natural (destined for the consumer market ), both made from recycled cellulose fibers in the Tetra Pak containers, has been highly praised and received a certificate of recognition at the ‘ European Paper Recycling Award 2013;

The competition, open to research and technology, information and education projects on the topic of paper recycling, was announced by the European Recovered Paper Council (ERPC), with the aim to promote and encourage a more extensive and careful practice of recovery and recycling of paper, and also contribute significantly to a real policy of environmental sustainability.

The ceremony was held on October 2nd at the European Parliament in Brussels and was attended by several industry experts, politicians and legislators. «We are proud to receive this reward because it highlights once again the Group’s commitment to constant research of innovative products, which are able to offer consumers the highest quality and protect the environment at the same time», says Massimo Oriani, Marketing Director of Lucart Group. The revolutionary treatment process, developed in the factories of Lucart Group, gives also the opportunity to recover parts in aluminum and polyethylene of Tetra Pak in other manufacturing activities, to the benefits of the environment.