
Valmet will supply a sizing section rebuild to Productora Nacional de Papel in Mexico


Customer: Productora Nacional de Papel 

Production: The board machine with a 6,700-mm-wide fabric will produce testliner, corrugated medium and coated WTL grades within a basis weight range of 90–250 g/m2. The design speed of the new parts will be 700 m/min with a daily design capacity of approximately 700 tons.

Supplier: Valmet

Description: Valmet will supply a sizing section rebuild to Productora Nacional de Papel in Mexico. In the project, the board machine 1 (BM1) will be upgraded to improve strength properties and add new coated white-top testliner grades (WTL) to the machine’s product portfolio.

The order is included in Valmet’s orders received of the first quarter 2022. The value of the order will not be disclosed. The total value of an order of this type and delivery scope is typically around EUR 15–20 million.

Details: Valmet’s delivery for BM1 will include a new OptiRun Hybrid afterdryer section to increase the machine’s drying capacity. OptiSizer Film with supply systems will be installed to improve board strength. The sizer will be followed by a TurnFloat web turning unit, an OptiDry Coat air dryer and an OptiAir heat recovery system for the air dryers. The delivery will also include spare parts and consumables.

Start up: The start-up of the rebuilt machine is scheduled to take place by the end of 2023.