What is the current situation of the global market? And what are the latest systems to be installed and high tech trends? In order to assess the situation, we have asked four of the main manufacturers of solutions, machines and systems in this sector.
Is a market too strong or too weak? What’s better, a global offer to cover all possible clients spread around the world or a selective choice of markets? And also, must we focus on the development of new technologies or maintain proven solutions? In order to understand some of these aspects in the global sector of the tissue market, we have gathered the opinions of some experts in the field, managers in leading companies in the sector of development and implementation of solutions for this type of paper: Mirka Sireni, pulp drying & paper senior sales manager tissue in Andritz Pulp and Paper www.andritz.com; Paolo Radaelli, (project and sales manager in New Aerodinamica www.newaerodinamica.com; Luigino Furlan, general director and commercial manager within the Technology Unit in Metso Paper Italy, Gorizia www.metso.com; and Marcus Schwier, vice president sales tissue EMEA in Voith Paper www.voithpaper.com. Here is what they told us.
Today, according to Mirka Sireni from Andritz Pulp and Paper, the sector is going through a transformation phase. «Small tissue manufactures are also starting to send requests » she explains. Furthermore, nowadays «bigger is better»: our recent orders include Yankee up to 7.4 meters with a diameter of 6.70 meters. In a so difficult period for paper industries, it’s necessary to obtain more whilst investing less: this is possible by reducing the level of Carbon Footprint in range with an efficient and safe environment. The questions concerning resources’ saving are key factors when one works to achieve success. In the context of research and development these guidelines are followed by Andritz in the tissue sector, with the objective to reach the highest quality and efficiency in all areas of resources in a tissue company: energy, fibers and clean water».
Luigino Furlan from Metso Paper adds that, globally, the market has 3-4% annual growth, which is not uniform in various countries. «In fact – he affirms – we have a positive trend in countries such as China, Middle East, and South America in general, whilst Western Europe and North America are facing a decrease. The most requested installation types reflect quite accurately the growth in each area. China mostly requests new machines, with large dimensions and proven technology, whilst the Middle East is more interested in systems with high production capacity and integrated cogeneration. The Former Soviet Union countries favor medium size machines, whilst South America requests large and fast machines. Although passing through a phase of low investments, North America is clearly oriented towards cutting edge technologies for high quality products. Finally Western Europe, including Italy, is facing quite a low period: the market is overstocked and at the moment reconstruction investments or improvement of existing implants are prevailing ». Concerning Metso Paper, the highest number of installations, in general of large dimensions, is designed for the Chinese market.
With regards to New Aerodinamica, an Italian company specialized in the planning and manufacturing of systems with complete transport cycle and pneumatic recovery of production waste in many industrial sectors, with a stable presence in the world of paper production, the global market is lively. «We have quite a few installations abroad » underlines Paolo Radaelli. «Besides the classic aspirations of trimmings, only to mention a recent and significant example, in Australia we have achieved great results creating dust aspiration with a rewinder. Initially we assessed the position of dust formation, then we sized the hoods and finally we calculated the adequate amount of air. By following these steps we were sure to obtain the required result: cleaning of the machine’s surrounding area. And so it was. Furthermore, we have created an aspiration dedicated to the cleaning of waste during coil changes. Thanks to our installation, besides keeping the area clean, each component – the inside of the cabinet and the operating area – results dust free, drastically reducing maintenance on mechanical and electrical components». The manager of New Aerodinamica underlines how lately clients have become more sensitive towards the topic of cleanliness at work. «This concerns the field of expertise of New Aerodinamica and therefore the systems designed for the aspiration of dust. The problem with this type of systems is the proper sizing of the hoods, the amount of air and the exact calculation of the filtering surface of the dust collector».
Marcus Schwier goes back to the global situation of the tissue industry. «The market – says the manager of Voith Paper – is very different from one side of the world to another: whilst North America is considered a good market in the premium segment, China for example, still presents high growth levels in the range of conventional tissue. This is the reason why there have been many investments recently. The tissue sector is highly competitive and our clients expect the best solutions available to guarantee and increase their business. As the consumption of tissue is increasing in quantity and at the same time the quality of the product is improving, thanks also to a better economic wealth, the perspectives for the future are looking very promising. Our clients are generally interested in knowing the status of recent innovations, from a point of view of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) as well as high quality of the product. In the EMEA area, they are particularly interested in topics such as the reliability of the process and energetic costs».
Installations and technologies

Let’s take a look at some of the latest technologies in the tissue department and some significant installations, starting from Andritz, which has clients in Europe such at ICT Group, Kriepa, P&G, Thüringer Hygiene, Strepp, Wepa and Fripa Miltenberg in Germany, where the company installed a Prime Line Compact tissue system. «With a constant speed of 2,025 meters per minute for a few months, the PM6 can be considered amongst the 100-inches machines with the largest capacity in the world» affirms Mirka Sireni. Even in Asia, Andritz has carried out installations for various clients. «In 2012 we received an order from Hengan Group (China) for four tissue machines with Yankee in steel to be used in the establishments of Changde and Chongqing. After the launch, expected in 2014, the Hengan Group will start production using a total of 13 tissue machines by Andritz », continues the manager. «The four new machines, all Prime Line TM W8 model, offer a speed of 2,000 meters per minute each and have a width of 5.6 meters. The supply includes also four Yankee in steel – one per machine – with a diameter of 5.48 meters, a complete system for the preparation of mixture and automation equipment». This year Andritz has already launched with great success four high-speed tissue machines for Hengan Group, two of which have the largest Yankee in steel for this type of applications. Regarding Metso Paper, we can mention three important installations with different types of supply and geographic area. Let’s start from a tissue machine installed in the Turkish paper factory Hayat Kymia in Yeniköy, near the town of Izmit. This is the complete DCT 200 TS machine (Yankee diameter of 5.5 m, sheet width 5.706 m) with Advantage AirCap and air system for cogeneration with heat exchanger air / air and ventilation systems. «On June 1st 2012 – says Luigino Furlan – the machine broke the world speed record, reaching 2210 m/min. The system has achieved this incredible result with turned off burners, making the most of its cogeneration system ». The new tissue establishment in SCA, Sahagún in the north of Mexico City, has been given a complete DCT 200 TS «keys in hand» machine (5.5 m Yankee diameter, sheet width 5.586 m), with Advantage AirCap and air system equipped with a steam generator and heat exchanger air / air and equipped with ventilation systems. Finally we move on to Disley Tissue paper mill, located in the homonymous village of Cheshire, England, to which Metso has supplied Advantage AirCap, a heat exchanger air / air and dust removal system. «The system is sized according to the latest energy saving principles, and this has allowed significant increase in production, while maintaining energy consumption with significant benefits on the economic impact» concludes Furlan.

Let’s move on to New Aerodinamica, whose manager has already talked about the system for dust aspiration built on a rewinder in Australia. Paolo Radaelli prefers not to go into details of other installations, but stresses the boom of innovations that have characterized the activity of the Italian company in the last five years, with the introduction of new components that have increased functionality and added value to the installations. Let’s see some, starting from the modular pipe systems introduced three years ago. It is a modular system that guarantees perfect replacement and interchange ability without difficulty, also usable for extensions. Let’s talk about ionizers. In some areas the material that needs to be aspirated is loaded with electrostatic charges for working requirements and this implies the trimmings in the separation zone to be deposited on the walls creating obstruction and clogging. New Aerodinamica has chosen to use the ionizing bars that insert ions inside the pipe, eliminating static electricity. Dry, with only 2A.

Also Voith Paper has focused on new technologies in order to «attack» the global market. «In recent years – explains Marcus Schwier – we managed to convince our customers around the world about the benefits obtainable through our new technologies». Referring to EMEA, among the most recent and important installations of quality solutions for dry cracks, it’s possible to include the one developed and adopted for the production plant in Metsä Tissue, Poland: besides two complete tissue lines, the entire package includes also its building. Furthermore, the delivery of a premium tissue productionline in Germany was the ideal entry into the premium segment also on the EMEA market. Voith has provided a Process Line Package, which includes the entire tissue line. «We are strongly committed to ensure the best performance in terms of energy savings as well as the highest quality for the tissue product » says Schwier. «In the Middle East I would like to point out KC Bahrain, a successful event in the tissue production of high quality for the local market. I should also mention the installation in Lahore, Pakistan. Our Packages Limited client is currently operating with a tissue machine that produces with speed superior to 2,000 meters per minute».

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