
Sappi incorporates Rockwell Solutions


Sappi will be active in the Packaging and Specialty Papers business thanks to the acquisition of the barrier coatings technology of the Scottish company Rockwell Solutions. At the end of the transaction Rockwell Solutions is expected to become a branch of Sappi Europe. As the Vicepresident of the sales, Marketing, Packaging and Speciality Paper unit of Sappi Europe Thomas Kratochwill puts it, «this way we can access the barrier coatings technology of Rockwell Solutions and will thus be able to accelerate the development of our solutions and offer our customers an even wider range of barrier coated packaging solutions».

Thomas Kratochwill

The company President Aziz Okhai declares that «Rockwell Solutions is supplier of high technology coating products and will have considerable advantages in becoming part of a major player like Sappi. This can only but reinforce the future of all those working in our organization». This transaction guarantees against any disturbance affecting the business and the customers of Rockwell Solutions.