Green companies

Sofidel: the 2019 integrated report


Sofidel has announced its 2019 Integrated Report. In a context fostered by the rebalancing of raw material prices (cellulose) after the peak of increases recorded in 2017-2018, the tissue paper Group based in Porcari, Lucca (Italy), with an international presence in 12 countries – in Europe and in the United States –, has presented a financial statement characterized by good performance.

Net sales have grown from 1,706 million euro to 1,919 million euro (+213 million euro), for a percentage increase of 12.5%. The Ebitda was 258 million euro, 13.47% of net sales, a marked improvement compared to 2018, when it was 107 million euro (+141%), 6.28% of net sales.

The number of Sofidel employees has also increased to 6,453, compared to 6,327 in 2018, for an absolute increase of 126 employees and a percentage increase of 2%.

In terms of sustainability, the Sofidel Group continues to implement strict policies for the supply of pulp certified by independent third parties with forest certification schemes (100% FSC, PEFC and FSC-CW) and works to safeguard water resources, limiting its consumption within its production processes – the water entering its production processes is well below the sector benchmark: 7.3 l/kg compared to 15-25 l/kg.