
Sappi North America creates the Packaging Group Team


Four new members have joined the recently established Sappi Packaging Group.

Mark Rodgers was appointed as the Group Sales Manager. He joined Sappi in 2009 after the M-real acquisition and has since then worked as Marketing Manager dealing with the introduction of the brands. He has over 30 years’ experience in the graphics field: he started his career in the United Kingdom, to then move to Canada and the United States. At the same time of Mark Rodgers’ appointment, Wayne Nablo was appointed as Sales Manager for special products: he will be in charge of consolidating the large sales network of Sappi special products in Canada and the United States. Scott Marquis also joined Sappi as Sales Manager, reporting to Mark Odgers. At the beginning of his career, Scott sold LusterPrint products on the flexible packging market. He boasts extensive knowledge of the customers in this segment, as well as strong technical expertise on the products. Finally, also Tom Glas joined the Sappi as Sales Manager, always reporting to Mark Odgers. His task will be to reinforce the market of cut & stack label printers. Tom boasts over 30 years experience as sales manager in this specific market.